Upcoming Education & Advocacy Events and Opportunities! People First Wisconsin's Virtual Chapter: Our next meeting is on Wednesday, February 19th from 6:00pm-7:00pm. We will be talking about advocacy at the state and federal levels. Here is the Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87184387172 Meeting ID: 871 8438 7172
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Nathaniel at [email protected] or call our office at 414-483-2546. We look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Chapter Meeting! PFW Board Meeting Our Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11th starting at 10:00am at the Premier Best Western Park Hotel. There are no fees to attend. Many thanks to the Wispact Foundation for their grant that makes this day possible. PFW members and advisors are encouraged to come to our meeting and to participate in Disability Advocacy Day the next day. We are happy to help members look into transportation options, but know that there may not be a way for everyone to attend in person. There will be a virtual option for our training/board meeting if you are unable to travel for the meeting.
From our Friends at Survival Coalition: Save Medicaid Need help sharing your story? Want to share your Medicaid story? Survival Coalition has created this survey and member organizations like People First Wisconsin and Arc will help you share it. Take a story survey and send us a picture and we will create the story for you. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CBGQ9PZ
From Our Friends at The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD):"BPDD is launching a weekly webinar to help grassroots connect to each other and update disability advocates with the latest on proposed Federal Medicaid and other spending cuts that impact the disability community.Join us this Friday February 7th from 9-10 AM (Registration English, Registration Spanish).This webinar is limited to the first 500 people who log on. The presentation will be recorded, and all people who register will get a follow up email with the recording and handouts."
From our friends at The Disability Vote Coalition: "Wisconsin only has 2 elections this year - don't sit them out! February 18th is a primary for State Superintendent. Request your ballot today from www.myvote.wi.gov if you want to vote absentee.
For more information about this year's elections, join us for DVC's next Lunch and Learn: Why Primaries Matter on February 11th. Register at https://bit.ly/WhyPrimariesMatter"